Da UK On-line Urban Magazine

Educating, Serving & Promoting Urban Communities

Supatrax offer a range of DJ Workshops for all ages and ranges of music.Photographing clubs Nationally and Internationally since 2001Supatrax can provide entertainment for youth and school events.Learn radio skills and get involved while providing content for Sticky RadioSupatrax TV are able to show young people how to make videos and creative photography skills

Handsworth fears after riots and looting

HandsworthRiots09082011Tensions in Handsworth between the Sikh and Black community are tense following a night of looting, fires and destruction in the Handsworth area of Birmingham.

Hundreds of Sikhs were outside their local Gudwaras to protect it from looters or criminals running round to make trouble in their community. Cars were turned over, set on fire and left to burn. Homes and shops were set and fire and Police had to be drafted in to support West Midlands Police.

Below are some photos highlighting the total carnage in Handsworth, following on from the large number of people who burnt out Handsworth Police station.

Keep it locked to Supatrax.com for a full write up on the shituation in Birmingham or log on to our Facebook and comment - Search for 'Morgan Supatrax'.

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